Agile methodology in SDLC
Meaning of Agile is 'moving quickly'. This software development methodology is based on iterative and incremental model of software development.
There were certain principles on which the agile model was to be based. The most important of the principles is customer satisfaction by giving rapid and continuous delivery of small and useful software. The delivery of the software happens at regular intervals as opposed to after a number of months, which is the case with the waterfall model.
There is a lot of scope for cooperation between the business people and the developers, as the requirements keep coming from the business people at regular intervals. There is a lot of emphasis laid on technical excellence and good design of the software. The software development team has to adapt regularly to the changing circumstances.
Agile modeling is a methodology, which makes use of practice for modeling and documentation of software based systems. Traditional modeling methods in software development projects have given way to these practices which are applied in a more flexible manner
Types of Agile Methodologies
o Scrum
o Extreme Programming (XP)
o Agile Unified Process (AUP)
o Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
o Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
o Exia Process (ExP)
o Feature Driven Development (FDD)
o Open Unified Process (OpenUP)
o Crystal Clear
o Velocity tracking
Above are the types but in that Scrum Methodology is very popular:
Scrum Methodology
There are different methodologies, which are a part of the agile model. The most famous one is scrum methodology. Like all the other agile computer programming, scrum is also an iterative and incremental methodology. This methodology is different than the other methodologies because, the idea of empirical process control was introduced in this process. As a matter of fact, scrum was introduced for software project management. However, it was eventually also used for software maintenance.
The best part of the scrum methodology is that it makes use of real world progress of a project, which is used for planning and scheduling releases. The entire computer software project is divided into small parts known as sprints. The duration of sprint can range from one week to three weeks. At the end of the duration of the sprint, the team members along with the stakeholders meet. This meeting helps in assessing the progress of the project and chalk out the further plan of action. This assessment helps in taking stalk of the current state of affairs and rework the line of work and complete the project on time and not just speculate or predict the further outcome.
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