Before you actually start learning Angular, you need to understand a few concepts such as:
- Difference between traditional web-applications and single-page applications
- AngularJS drawbacks
- What is Angular?
To begin with, let me first tell you what is the difference between traditional web-applications and single-page applications?
Traditional Web-apps:
I’m sure you will remember that in the past, whenever you would request for a web page, the page used to reload entirely in order to load the data as shown in the image above. This model is referred to as Traditional-W➨eb Application (TWA). The biggest problem of this was of course time-consumption.
To overcomes this problem, SPA’s or Single-Page Applications model was introduced. SPAs are browser applications that are similar to mobile applications that come with dynamic interactions. They have much lesser refresh rates when compared to TWA’s. Take a look at the image below that depicts the SPA model where the client requests a URL from the server after which the complete page is loaded to the client’s browser. Now, this does not require page reloading:
So what is Angular JS?
It is an open-source framework for front-end development that is based on the JavaScript Framework. It is used to create SPA’s and was developed by Google in the year 2002.
Drawbacks of AngularJs:
AngularJs became very popular but, it did nit have many necessary features that were being offered by other JavaScript frameworks.
Some of them are:
- Large bundle size
- Issues with Performance
- No support for mobile devices
Therefore it was not able to resolve these problems which in turn led to the development of a new JavaScript framework which was much more stable and faster.
In order to resolve the issues mentioned earlier, Google developed Angular. This also is an open-source JavaScript framework. It was a complete rewrite of AngularJs and worked on a differently.
So, what is Angular?
Angular is undoubtedly one of the most popular JavaScript front-end frameworks that are used by many & programmers to create and manage web applications. It is written in Typescript which is an open-source programming language. The latest version of Angular now is Angular 8.
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